- Her white face and her dark dress contrast sharply. 她洁白的脸和她黑色的衣服形成强烈的对比。
- Any of numerous black, gray, or white sea birds of the order Procellariiformes, especially the storm petrel. 海燕属鹱形目中的一种黑色、灰色或白色的海鸟,尤指海燕
- Melanie's white face went crimson. 媚兰的白脸变得了徘红。
- On his pale white face there was a half smile. 他那苍白的脸上露出一丝笑容。
- The white face in the mask is means for trickster. 面具中的白脸是狡诈的人。
- We are not a group of delicate flowers, we are not shy of a group of mimosa, and we want to do is dare to confront the violent storm petrel. 我们不是一群娇嫩的小花,我们不是一群羞涩的含羞草,我们想要做的应是那敢于对抗暴风骤雨的海燕。
- Having a white face or face markings. 白脸的或脸上有白斑的
- A nurse is a storm petrel, in the roaring wind and endless sea, waving her wings courageously and vigorously while struggling against the sever environment. 护士是一只海燕,大海茫茫,风声阵阵,振翅昂扬,同险恶的环境拼搏。
- She set her white face to him, passive, like a helpless animal. 她对他板起一张惨白的脸,无可奈何地,恰如一只走投无路的动物。
- She had precious little rest: one could guess by her white face and heavy eyes. 她难得有点休息;从她那发白的脸和迷迷瞪瞪的眼睛可以猜得出。
- Leach's Fork-tailed Storm Petreln. 白腰叉尾海燕
- She stood aside to let them pass and caught a glimpse of a white face. 她闪开、给他们让路,瞧见一张白人的脸。
- A flush went over Cade's white face and Cathleen's long lashes veiled her eyes as her mouth hardened. 此时凯德苍白的脸涨红了,凯瑟琳也垂下了长长的眼睫毛,紧闭着嘴。
- A nurse is a storm petrel, in the roaring wind and endless sea, 护士是一件衣裳,轻披在肩,体贴温存。
- She turned and there stood India, white faced, her pale eyes blazing, and Archie, malevolent as a one-eyed parrot. 她转过头来,发现门口站着英迪亚,她脸色煞白,两只本来暗淡的眼睛像要迸出火光似的; 还有阿尔奇活像一只恶狠狠的独眼鹦鹉。
- She put her white face so close to his car that he could feel her warm breath on his cheek. 她将粉脸贴近他的耳边。他能够感觉到她温暖的气息吹到了他的脸颊上。
- any of numerous black,gray,or white sea birds of the order Procellariiformes,especially the storm petrel 海燕属鹱形目中的一种黑色、灰色或白色的海鸟,尤指海燕
- She was hatless and white faced and her long grey hair streamed down her back as she lashed the horse like a Fury. 她头上没戴帽子,面孔雪白。她狠狠地抽着那匹马,灰色的长头发在背脊上飘漾。
- He could see in the moonlight that queer flat white face and those round little piggy eyes fixed upon him. 月光下他又看见那扁得作怪的白脸儿上一对细圆的眼睛定定地看住了他。
- In the doorway appeared Ashley, white faced, his head lolling, his bright hair tousled, his long body wrapped from neck to knees in Rhett's black cape. 艾希礼在门廊里出现了,他脸色苍白,耷拉着脑袋,光亮的头发乱作一团,他这个大个子从脖子到膝盖全裹着瑞德的大黑披肩里。