- Most spiders weave webs that are almost invisible. 大多数蜘蛛可结成几乎看不见的网。
- Webs that are almost invisible. 许多蜘蛛编织的蜘蛛网几乎是看不见的。
- Most spiders weave webs that are all but invisible. 大部分蜘蛛的结网过程是几乎看不到的。
- That was almost right-just one little slip. 那几乎对了--只是有点小错。
- Mrs. Branderton had a self-importance that was almost sublime. 布兰德顿夫人几乎有一种极端的妄自尊大狂。
- "Yes," said Bertha, with a smile that was almost ecstatic. “对”。伯莎带着一种差不多是入迷的微笑说。
- Brokerage offices that were almost empty a year ago are now packed with young and old would-be speculators. 一年前,证券营业部大厅还是空荡荡的,如今则挤满了老老少少的准投机者。
- These boxes were usually old freight cars that were almost soundproof. 这些包厢通常采用几乎能隔音的旧火车货柜。
- To me that was almost a miracle. Here he was offering to buy fuel without my even suggesting it. 这件事对我来讲,不会是桩奇迹,我没有提到,并不央求他,可是他却要买我的煤了。
- I shall have to controvert one or two ideas that are almost universally accepted. 我要反驳一两个几乎是公认的观点。
- Miss Giover bounced out of the room with a smile at Mrs. Branderton that was almost ghastly. 格洛弗小姐向布兰德顿夫人投以几乎是吓人的一笑,便快步走了出去。
- My father grows roses that are second to none. 我父亲种的玫瑰是最好的。
- The sickness quite departed, but succeeded by a horrid giddiness and swimming that was almost worse to bear. 病痛已经消失大半,可是接踵而来的却是一阵阵忍受不了的可怕的眼花、头晕。
- The tide was low and there was a strip of weedstrewn beach that was almost as a road. 海潮平平,一长条布满海藻的海滩坚硬得几乎象条路。
- The whole class is here bar two that are ill. 除两人生病外,全班都到齐了。
- Any opportunity on the web that can be exploited for fraud will be exploited. 任何可能为网上诈骗利用的机会都将被利用。
- "How do you feel, hand?" he asked the cramped hand that was almost as stiff as rigor mortis. “手啊,你觉得怎样呢?”他问那只僵硬得几乎跟死尸一样的抽筋的手。
- Her face, so stolid and expression less before, was animated now with a gaiety that was almost violent. 她和身边小伙子们大声地说笑。
- That was infinitely better than his last film. 这比他上一部电影不知胜过多少倍。
- She wears clothes that are right up to date. 她穿著最时新的衣服。