- Web化web based
- 构件复用的Web化支撑模型研究A Model to Support the Component Reuse on the Web
- 化to make into
- 最小化minimum
- 论文根据发变组监录系统Web化的特点,重点介绍了发变组微机监录系统上层机Web服务器端监测和管理软件设计,主要包括用户权限管理,录波数据文件、系统定值的数据库管理等。according to fault recording and inspecting system's feature based on Web, the paper introduces the software design of Web-server, including user management and database management of data file and device fixed value.
- 模块化modularize
- 酸化acidification
- 钝化passivation
- 可视化visualization(-sat-)
- 钢化steel
- 归一化normalize
- 雾化pulverization
- 氢化hydrogen sulfide
- 碳化carbonize
- 会计电算化accounting computerization
- 最佳化optimization
- 实例化instantiation
- 纤维化fibrosis
- 教化civilize
- 差异化differentiation