- We should judge others rightly. 我们应该公正地评判别人。
- We should judge the past in its historical context. 我们应当根据时代背景 来看待过去.
- We should judge our cadres in an overall way and from a historical perspective. 我们要全面地历史地看干部。
- For me this story is teaching us that we should not judge others so quickly, because we tend to criticize exactly those weaknesses of others we ourselves have. 这个故事告诉我们不可以轻率批判别人,因为我们很容易地去批评别人的弱点,然而自己也有这些弱点却不自觉。
- We should judge the adhibit of solder paste before screen printing by automatic machine or by hand. 我们在进行锡膏印刷前应对锡膏进行一定的检测。如果没有专用设备也可以用以下的方法检查一下。
- Cultural tradition such as superstition we should judge it with considerably careful, by using correct and evenhanded sight on this issue. 文化传统,如迷信,我们应该判断它时有着相当谨慎行为,要正确的和公平的着眼于这个问题。
- We should not judge a person by his appearance. 我们不应该以貌取人。
- We should judge relation about abettor and the surplus behavior of perpetrator in joint offence refers on the basis of different conditions. 认定教唆犯与实行犯过度行为的关系时,应当根据不同情况加以判断。
- Christ preached that we should love each other. 基督在布道中说人们应该互敬互爱。
- We are not to judge others Rom 14. 我们不应论断他人罗马书14
- We should practice economy even if we are rich. 即使我们富裕了也仍应该厉行节约。
- We should always help each other. 我们应始终互相帮助。
- However, so far as inner-Party struggles are concerned, we should judge their nature and the errors involved in each on their own merits. We should make their content clear and, in principle, should no longer present them as "struggles between two lines". 但是,党内斗争是什么性质就说是什么性质,犯了什么错误就说是什么错误,讲它的内容,原则上不再用路线斗争的提法。
- We always judge other people from our standpoints . 你是否也常有这种想法呢?
- We should brush our teeth at least twice a day. 我们每天应该至少刷两次牙。
- You're no better than they are: who are you to judge other people? 你不比他们强,凭什麽指责别人?
- The road we should take is marked on the map. 我们要走的路已经标在地图上了。
- People often judge others by their character. 人们常常通过人品来判断他人。
- I should judge him to be over 30. 我想他已过了三十岁。
- At all events we should listen to his opinion. 无论如何,我们该听他的意见。