- We only just started. We're not going to quit now. 我们才刚刚开始,现在决不放弃。
- We work a way to hard to quit now,that's we is not a quiter and we never says no. 现实中,不只有引人注目或者惊天动地的事情值得我们去努力追求,有些细微的点滴更需要我们付出一切去保有。
- Believe me, If you quit now, you're asking for trouble. 相信我,如果你现在退出,你是在找麻烦。
- Believe me,If you quit now,you're asking for trouble. 相信我,如果你现在退出,你是在找麻烦。
- You can't quit now! You're almost at the finish line. Go for it! 不要放弃,你就快成功了,加油!
- Re quite a few shops and galleries near your hotel. 在你住的饭店附近有几家商店和艺术馆。
- Mary, you can't quit now! You're almost at the finish line! Go for it! 玛丽,现在不能放弃!你差不多就成功了,要努力争取啊!
- Re quite a lot of schools and classes you can go to. 有很多学校和课程,你可以参加。
- LYNN CHEN: My parents are terrific fans; I think they'd be disappointed if I decided to quit now. 我的父母是我的疯狂爱好者;我想如果我现在放弃了,他们会失望的。
- We are quits now. 现在咱俩清帐了。
- Return on equity is in the low teens, and the company‘s underwriting standards a{$PAGETAG$}re quite conservative. 净值收益法应用只有刚十几年的时间,该公司的保险标准是相当保守的。
- We're quits now. 我们现在两不相欠。
- In addition, the stock still looks reasonably neutral in all time frames.So we’re quite confident that this rally stills have some legs. 另外,该股所有时段看起来依然相当中立,因此我们坚信这轮行情还将有后续。
- Now we'll get on to the next item on the agenda. 现在我们来讨论下一项议程。
- We've been out of touch with Roger for years now. 我们至今已有数年未与罗杰来往了。
- We’re in unchartered waters now. 我们现在是在不合规则的水中”。
- I have a feeling that we are being followed. 我有种感觉我们正被人跟踪。
- It was pure luck that he was home when we called. 非常幸运,我们打电话时他在家里。
- It's sad that we have to part company with them. 很遗憾我们要与他们分别了。
- At this rate we won't be able to afford a holiday. 照这样下去,我们不会有时间/钱去度假的。