- WTO竞争政策WTO competition policy
- WTO竞争规则WTO competition rules
- 政策policy
- WTO竞争政策的制度变迁及其路径The Change of the System of WTO Competition Policy and Its Rout
- 竞争competition
- WTO竞争政策与中国反垄断立法(上)The WTO Competition Policy vs China'Legislation in Anti-monopoly (part A)
- 货币政策monetary policy
- 竞争对手corrival
- 优惠政策preferential policy
- 竞争的competitory
- 激烈的竞争a rat race
- 财政政策fiscal policy
- 竞争激烈the dust and heat of the day
- 经济政策economic policy
- 制定政策policy making
- 竞争优势competitive edge
- 外交政策foreign policy
- 激烈竞争cut-throat competition
- 形势与政策Situation & Policy
- 恶性竞争cut-throat competition