- W准对称矩阵W-almost symmetric matrices
- 准正交矩阵与准对称矩阵The Almost Orthogonal Matrix and Almost Symmetric Matrix
- 准对称quasi symmetry
- 准对称码pseudo symmetric code
- 准对称脉冲quasi-symmetrical pulse
- 准对称耦合量子阱quasi-symmetric coupled quantum well
- 精准accurate
- W涂层W coating
- 次对称矩阵Sub-symmetric matrix
- W值法W value method
- 信息不对称information asymmetry
- S矩阵S matrix
- S矩阵理论S matrix theory
- 找准capturing
- 半矩阵semi matrix
- 半单矩阵semisimple matrix
- 老是听人说那事她准是厌倦极了。She must have got sick and tired of hearing people say that.
- 关于准对称离散无记忆信道容量两个定理的等价性The Two Theorems Equivalent of the Para- symmetry DMC Capacity Testify
- 伴随式矩阵syndrome matrix
- 半负定矩阵negative semidefinite matrix