a constellation in the southern hemisphere between Carina and Pyxis;
"because of its configuration Vela is sometimes called `the Sails'"
The complex nebula is thought to be a supernova remnant over a million years old, sprawling across the southern constellations Vela and Puppis. 这个形状复杂的星云区域分布在南天的船帆座和船尾座之间,它被认为是一个超新星残骸已经有一百万年龄。
Remaining at the center of the Vela Supernova Remnant is a pulsar, a star as dense as nuclear matter that completely rotates more than ten times in a single second. 船帆座超新星爆炸遗骸的中心还存在著一颗脉冲星,它是一颗如原子般致密的天体,一秒钟可以自转十次以上。