- VFP教学设计VFP teaching design
- VFP教学VFP teaching
- 教学设计instructional design
- 基于建构主义学习理论的高职高专英语口语教学设计模式Vocational Colleges'English Speech Teaching Mode Based on Theory of Social Constructivism
- 教学设计学Instructional Design Science
- 广教学设计teaching design
- 教学设计示例The design of the blackboard
- "教与数学对应"原理的实践--对"函数单调性"教学设计的思考Practice in "Correspondence of Teaching and Math Principle"--Thinking on the Practical Plan of "the Monotony of Function"
- 教学设计原则classroom designing principles
- 教学设计技能design of mathematics teaching
- 数学教学设计design of mathematics teaching
- 教学设计方案design project ot teaching
- 远程教学设计distance teaching design
- 动态教学设计dynamic teaching design
- 教学设计研究Instructional Design Research
- 教学设计理论Instructional Design Theory
- 课堂教学设计classroom instructional design
- 自主教学设计independent teaching design
- 教学设计理念principle of teaching design
- 网络教学设计instruction design mode