- 代表胜利的V字手势the V-for-victory sign
- v字阵式V formation
- V字领毛线衣a V-necked sweater
- 八字character 8
- 马德克斯V字表Maddox's V chart
- 排成v字队形飞行.flying in V formation
- 她做手势示意我们不要讲话。She signed to us to stop talking.
- 仿羊绒V字领毛衣杏色POLO V-neck lady's Sweater beige
- 他做了个命令式的手势。He made an imperative gesture.
- 白字wrongly written and mispronounced character
- 我和他用手势交谈。I talked with him by signs.
- 仿羊绒V字领毛衣黑色POLO V-neck lady's Sweater black
- 他向侍者打了个手势。She motioned to the waiter.
- 造字word-formation
- 表示认可的手势approbatory gestures
- 手势语研究;类似于手势的艺术是一种非语言的表达形式。the study of gestural communication; art like gesture is a form of nonverbal expression.
- 码字numeral
- 她无意地做了个手势,把桌上的花瓶打翻到地上。With an inadvertent gesture she swept the vase off the table onto the floor.
- 仿羊绒V字领毛衣浅蓝POLO V-neck lady's Sweater blue
- 八字胡handlebar