- 仿羊绒V字领毛衣杏色POLO V-neck lady's Sweater beige
- 仿羊绒V字领毛衣黑色POLO V-neck lady's Sweater black
- 仿羊绒V字领毛衣浅蓝POLO V-neck lady's Sweater blue
- 仿羊绒V字领毛衣粉色POLO V-neck lady's Sweater pink
- 仿羊绒拉链毛衣杏色GAP lady's Sweater with zipper beige
- 仿羊绒V字领毛衣红色POLO V-neck lady's Sweater red
- 仿羊绒低圆领毛衣杏色GAP lady's Sweater low neck beige
- 仿羊绒V字领毛衣白色POLO V-neck lady's Sweater white
- 色谱柱塔chromatography column tower
- 亚临界水色谱Subcritical water chromotagraphy
- 色谱吸附分析chromatographic adsorption analysis
- 去掉几个字take off some words
- 磷光碧色杆菌osphorescens
- 分层指示字 -指针hierarchical pointer
- 选色电极系统透过度colour-selecting-electrode transmission
- 非仿射nonaffine
- 盲人领瞎子,两个人都要掉在沟里;一盲领众人,相将入火坑。If the blind leads the blind,both shall fall into the ditch.
- 把漏了的字补上supply the missing words
- 反相高效液相色谱法测定2,3-酸Determination of 3-Hydroxy-2-Naphthoic Acid by Reversed-phase High Performance Liquid Chromatography
- 仿麂皮漆suede finish