- V型皮带vee-belt
- 窄V型皮带用槽轮Grooved pulleys for narrow V-belts
- 发动机驱动的V型皮带传动veebelt drive from engine
- 摩托车V型皮带无级变速器设计研究Study on Design of Rubber V-Belt CVT in Motorcycle
- 浆池循环泵中V型皮带传动的可靠性设计Reliability design of V-belt drive of the circulating pump
- 型的thysanuriform
- 皮带leather belt
- 摩托车V型皮带式无级变速器的力学分析Force Analysis of V-belt Type CVT on Motorcycle
- 型皮带texrope belt V
- V型v shape
- V型决V - block
- 多条 v 型皮带multiple v belt
- V型槽V shaped notch
- V型塔V-Tower
- 通用型皮带运输机监控系统A Universal Monitoring and Controlling System for Belt Conveyers
- V型架V shaped frame
- V型镜V-scope
- V型块V-block
- V型墩V-type pier
- V型角Angle of V type