- USB设备端USB device
- 类的设备端固件开发Device Firmware Development of USB Mass Storage Class
- 端item
- 但是你为什么不能分享了其余所有USB设备就像你容易吗?But why can't you share all the rest of your USB devices just as easily?
- 如果主机想发送数据,它必须先将时钟拉低来禁止来自设备端的通信。If the host wants to send data, it must first inhibit communication from the device by pulling Clock low.
- USB设备监控USB device monitor
- 高端high-end
- 客户端client
- 实现了DFU类标准请求,USB设备即插即用及电源管理等功能。The driver can realize DFU Class-specific requests, the PNP (Plug and Play) and Power management function.
- 一端one aspect of the matter
- 如果主机想发送数据,它必须先将时钟拉低来禁止来自设备端的通信。If the host wants to send data, it must first inhibit communication from the device by pulling Clock low.
- 远端remote
- 低端low end
- USB设备USB device
- 后端back-end
- USB设备设计的一种简便快速实现Easy Implementation Scheme of USB Device
- 高端产品high-end product
- 端盖end closure
- 如果你在使用USB键盘,请在注册表对USB设备做如下的改动。If you are using a USB keyboard, please make the changes to the registry for the USB drive.
- 端的terminal