- US INS Hong Kong Office 美国移民归化部香港办公室
- Shall we submit our tender to your Hong Kong office? 我们是向香港公司投标吗?
- Hong Kong office was reorganized to Hong Kong Branch. 结构改组将香港办事处改为香港支店。
- The company's Hong Kong office handed over Tao's details without a court order, leading a US congressional inquiry to label the Silicon Valley firm "moral pygmies". 雅虎香港分公司在没有收到法庭命令的情况下提交了石涛的详细资料,这导致美国国会调查委员会将这家硅谷公司归类为“道德上的侏儒”。
- NEE Jr Owen Dawes ceased to be a partner of Coudert Brothers Hong Kong Office as from 15 April 2003 and transferred to Shanghai Office. 倪有文先生自2003年4月15日辞去高特兄弟律师事务所驻香港办事处合夥人一职,并调往该行上海办事处。
- It maintains a registered office in Hong Kong through a local accounting firm (the Hong Kong Office). 该公司在香港的一家本地会计师事务所设有注册办事处(香港办事处)。
- He joined Goldman Sachs (Asia) L.L.C., Corporate Finance Department, Hong Kong Office in 1998. 于1998年加入高盛亚洲在香港的公司财务部。
- Deli (Shanghai) was found 2 years ago as the supporting office for our Hong Kong office. 德利上海分公司成立于2年前,主要负责中国大陆地区业务及为香港分公司提供业务支持和服务。
- Please contact the Program Director of BSU Hong Kong Office or the Local Authorized Learning Center(s) for details. 详情请联络比立勤国立大学香港办事处课程总监或当地授权学习中心。
- We would like to take any of your inquiries concerning with WGQ FTZ at our Hong Kong office. 如果您想了解外高桥保税区,欢迎各位到我们的香港公司咨询。
- Ernst &Young established its Hong Kong office in 1973,and established a representative office in Beijing in 1981. 安永会计师事务所于1973在香港成立办事处并于1981在北京成立代表办事处。
- GODAR George William ceased to be a partner of Dibb Lupton Alsop (Hong Kong Office) as from 1 October 2002 and returned to their London Office. 自2002年10月1日辞去欧华律师行驻香港办事处合夥人一职,并调返该行伦敦办事处。
- LANE-SMITH Roger ceased to be a partner of Dibb Lupton Alsop (Hong Kong Office) as from 1 October 2002 and returned to their London Office. 自2002年10月1日辞去欧华律师行驻香港办事处合夥人一职,并调返该行伦敦办事处。
- The company was registered under the name of RHM International Engineering Design Co., Ltd in 1984, and established the Hong Kong office in 1988. 集团提供建筑设计、城市规划、园林景观、市政工程设计、装饰等工程设计服务。
- SMITH Michael Melwood ceased to be a partner of Dibb Lupton Alsop (Hong Kong Office) as from 1 October 2002 and returned to their Singapore Office. 麦悟思先生自2002年10月1日辞去欧华律师行驻香港办事处合夥人一职,并调返该行新加坡办事处。
- DAY Gordon Charles ceased to be a partner of Dibb Lupton Alsop (Hong Kong Office) as from 1 October 2002 and returned to their London Office. 自2002年10月1日辞去欧华律师行驻香港办事处合夥人一职,并调返该行伦敦办事处。
- Delete where inapplicable. Overseas incorporated institutions are required to report the position of their Hong Kong Office(s) only. 请删去不适用者。海外注册机构只须填报香港办事处的状况。
- Sources say that as business demands are expanding, a Hong Kong office is also planned to be built at the Hong Kong Cyberport. 据了解,随着业务需求的不断扩大,该中心还将在香港数码城建立香港中心。
- CARMICHAEL Andrew James ceased to be a partner of Linklaters Hong Kong Office as from 9 April 2003 and returned to London Office. 自2003年4月9日辞去年利达律师事务所驻香港办事处合夥人一职,并调返该行伦敦办事处。
- Immigration Lawyer Leading International Law Firm Opportunity Hong Kong 3+ PQE Within the Employment practice of their Hong Kong office, a ... 公司性质:合资公司规模:20-99人经验要求:3-5年最低学历:本科/学士及同等学历