- Tru-cut活检Tru - cut biopsy
- Tru-cut活检针Tru-cut biopsy needle
- 活检biopsy
- 煤工尘肺周围型肺部病灶模拟定位机导向经皮肺穿刺针吸活检术诊断的应用Application of percutaneous needle aspiration biopsy by the simulator guided to the diagnosis for pulmonary focus in coal miners'pneumoconiosis
- 针吸活检needle biopsy
- 穿刺活检needle biopsy
- 活检术Biopsy
- 大活检strip biopsy
- 肺活检lung biopsy
- 活检枪Biopsy
- 肝活检LB(liver biopsy)
- 活检管biopsy capsule
- 活检后postbiopsy
- 活检钳biopsy forceps
- 活检针biopsy needle
- 脑活检biopsy of brain
- 肌活检Muscle biopsy
- 光活检Opticalbiopsy
- 热活检hot biopsy
- 肾活检renal biopsy