- Torek睾丸固定术Torek operation for orchiopexy
- 睾丸固定术orchidopexy
- 对侧睾丸固定术Fixation of contralateral testis
- 精索镜检查下睾丸固定术Looposcopy orchiopexy
- Fowler-Stephen睾丸固定术Fowler - Stephen orchidopexy
- Lord睾丸固定手术Lord operation orchiopexy
- 膀胱固定术cystopexy
- 固定术immobilization
- 带上下血管蒂胸骨翻转及改良克氏针外固定术治疗漏斗胸The treatment of the funnel chest for sternoturnover with preservating up and down vessel pedicle by external fixation of sternum with Kirschner wire
- 两种营养饮食对颌骨骨折内固定术后营养支持的效果研究A study on effect of two different kinds of nutritional diet for nutritional support in jaw bone fracture patients after underwent internal fixation
- 脾固定术splenopexy
- 肠固定术enteropexy
- 再固定术Refixation
- 腱固定术tenodesis
- 肘固定术elbow immobilization
- 髌固定术patellapexy
- 眦固定术Canthopexy
- 外固定术expopexy
- 肾固定术nephropexia
- 氮固定术nif