- To rule as a tyrant. 象暴君那样统治
- They denounced him to the police as a criminal. 他们向警方告发他是罪犯。
- Once on the Supreme Court she will be free to rule as she pleases, for two, three or even four decades to come. 一旦成为最高法院法官,她将获得在今后的二十、三十、甚至四十年里按己愿做出判决的自由。
- It will go down in history as a finish to tyranny as horrible as any ever visited on a tyrant. 它将在历史上成为与暴政共亡的暴君,其结局令人毛骨悚然。
- It takes six years to qualify as a doctor. 要获得医师资格需时六年。
- He tries to rule his family as a dictator rules a nation. 他想以独裁者统治国家的方法来管理家庭。
- He come to the fore as a physicist at an early age. 他在早年就成了杰出的物理学家。
- I used to look on him as a friend. 我以前把他看作是一位朋友。
- Our historical right to rule ourselves as a people had been negated. 我们被剥夺了作为一个民族治理自己国家的历史权利。
- Many people use education as a steppingstone to a better life. 许多人将教育作为赢得更好的生活的手段。
- It is up to the courts to rule on this matter. 这得靠法院对这事作出裁决。
- I want to work as a porter in a hotel. 我想在旅馆里当一名搬运工。
- These states, then, came under British rule as a result of patrilineal misfortune, not economic potential. 虽然是由于父系继承制的不幸,而非经济潜力的问题才导致的这些领地沦为大英帝国的统治区。
- I'd like you to take this bracelet as a gift. 我希望你把这手镯礼物收下。
- In the course of things men of other ideas came to rule. 按事物的循环,总是由有新思想的人起来执政。
- She acts as a private secretary to him. 她担任他的私人秘书。
- Announce on the NYSE floor that the SEC is reinstating the 'uptick rule' as a way to protect small 'Main Street' investors. 你可以在纽约交易所交易大厅宣布美国证券交易委员会(SEC)正在恢复加价规则,以此保护散户投资者的利益。
- He has the ability to rule a country. 此人有经天纬地之才。
- As a matter of fact, I've never been there before. 事实上我从未到过那儿。
- He describes himself as a doctor. 他自称是医生。