- It was the height of the rush hour. An overcrowded bus ploughed its way through the busy streets. 上下班的高峰时刻,一辆拥挤不堪的公共汽车缓慢地驶过大街闹市。
- A frantic rush and Mr. Pan emerged as if from a dream through the narrow exit guarded by the ticket collector. 一阵的拥挤,潘先生像在梦里似的,出了收票处的隘口。
- Bridge there is none: we must go through the waters and feel the rush of the rivers.The presence of God in the flood is better than a ferryboat. 这儿没有桥:我们必须经过激流,趟过江河,但在漫漫洪水中,上帝的同在远比皮筏好几万倍。
- Go through the arch and follow the path. 穿过拱门,沿著那条路走。
- They cleaved a path through the wilderness. 他们在荒原中开辟出一条路。
- The archers sent their shafts through the air. 弓箭手向空中射出利箭。
- I had a quick flip through the book and it looked very interesting. 我很快翻阅了一下那本书,看来似乎很有趣。
- The lion sent a roar through the jungle. 那狮子发出震撼山林的吼声。
- The prisoners cut their way through the barbed wire and escaped. 囚犯们从铁丝网中开出一条路逃跑了。
- She riffled through the magazine and found the humorous story for me. 她很快地翻着杂志为我从中找到那则幽默故事。
- I came in at the back and started easing my way through the crowd. 我从(人群的)背后插入,然后左避右闪地慢慢穿过人群。
- The path follows the river and then goes through the woods. 这条小径与河并排,而後穿过林子。
- A flu epidemic raged through the school for weeks. 流感在这所学校里蔓延了几个星期。
- He thumbed through the directory to look for her number. 他翻阅电话号码簿找寻她的号码。
- The tuck slowly ploughed through the mud. 车在泥泞中吃力地缓慢行驶。
- He piloted us through the large factory. 他领我们参观了这个大工厂。
- How odd they have gone through the eccentric thing! 他们经历了多么离奇古怪的事!
- Come and walk on the dry road instead of going through the wet. 来吧,捡干的路走,别走湿地。
- He shot his way through the police cordon. 他开枪射击突破警察的警戒线。
- The foothills were looming ahead through the haze. 丘陵地带透过薄雾朦胧地出现在眼前。