- Religion: Most inhabitants of Moldova profess the Orthodox Eastern Church. 多数人信奉东正教。
- Re - regulate religious policy and realize the national unity using the spirit cohesion of the Orthodox Eastern Church. 三是调整宗教政策,利用东正教的精神凝聚力,实现了民族团结。
- Foreign religious that are in practice in modern China mainly include Catholicism, Christianity, the Orthodox Eastern Church, and Japanese Buddhism. 近代在中国活动的外国宗教主要有天主教、基督教、东正教和日本佛教。
- The paper discusses the influence of the Orthodox Eastern Church on the Russian life has a close relation with the culture of the Orthodox Eastern Church. 论述了东正教文化对俄罗斯人民生活的影响 ,指出俄罗斯语言与东正教文化有着紧密的联系。
- Rasputin, a writer profoundly influenced by Russian traditional culture and the Orthodox Eastern Church, frequently employs the death image in his works. It not only symbolizes physical dissolution but also signifies spiritual death. 由于俄罗斯传统文化的浸染及东正教思想的影响 ,拉斯普京笔下的死亡意象独特而深邃 ,它不仅意味着肉体上的消逝 ,也揭示了精神上的死亡。
- Chapter Three is about the conflicts between some Mongolian tribes and the Orthodox Eastern Church after the 17th century and the reasons that some tribes believe in Tibetan Buddhism. 第三章主要探讨了十七世纪以后卡尔梅克、布里亚特、图瓦等蒙古人与东正教的矛盾冲突以及蒙古各部坚持信奉藏传佛教的原因。
- Basing on latestmaterials and research on hisworks,Ihave found out that Gogol was a great writer loyal to the tsar,supporting the centralization of state power,patriotic,faithfully pro- fessing the Orthodox Eastern Church. 根据新近资料 ,结合作家作品研究 ,就会发现果戈理忠于沙皇 ,拥护集权 ,热爱祖国 ,笃信东正教 ,是一位集忠君、爱国、笃信东正教于一体的伟大作家。
- The Spread of the Orthodox Eastern Church 试论东正教在北京的传播
- Culture of the Orthodox Eastern Church and Russian teaching 东正教文化与俄语教学
- Russian Peasants'Belief in the Orthodox Eastern Church 俄罗斯农民的东正教信仰
- The Orthodox Eastern Church and the Early Sino-Russian Cultural Exchange 东正教与中俄早期文化交流
- Orthodox Eastern Church's typical representative's country is Russia. 东正教的典型代表国家是俄罗斯。
- The Orthodox Eastern Church 东正教
- Orthodox eastern church got into Harbin along with the building of Mid-east railway. 随着中东铁路的修筑 ,东正教传入哈尔滨 ,并在当地得到广泛传播和发展。
- Christianity is divided into three religious sects: Protestantism, Catholicism, Orthodox Eastern Church. 基督教被分成三个教派:新教,天主教,东正教。
- This present study deals with origin and development of Marian Devotion, its cultural and psychological connotation and its influence to Catholicism and Orthodox Eastern Church. 本文主要论述圣母崇拜的产生与发展、其文化和心理内涵以及对天主教和东正教的影响。
- All of the Christianity which active in the history of China, including Nestorianism, Catholicism, Christianity and Orthodox Eastern Church had set foot in Inner Mongolia. 包括景教(元时称也里可温教)、天主教、基督教、东正教在内的历史上所有来华活动的基督宗教各派都先后涉足过内蒙古地区。
- Then, it discusses the comparison of Catholicism, Christianity and Orthodox Eastern Church's feature at the base of the fore part, expounds that due todifferent profit of different social class, their policies, means and ways are different. 其次则是在前文论述的基础上,对天主教、基督教、东正教在内蒙古地区传播特点进行比较,阐述了由于各教派所代表阶级利益的不同,决定了三者在传播政策、传播手段以及传播方式方法上都有所不同。
- Russian Philosophy and Orthodox Eastern Church 俄罗斯哲学与东正教