- Tang ware (陶)唐窑
- Tang-Toennies势模型Tang-Toennies potential model
- Tang女士不是一个在职业上的向导。Madam Tang is not a guide by profession.
- Tang乃美国通用食品公司注册商标。Tang is the registered trademark of General foods Corporation, USA.
- Tang说上海唐氏的成功归功于市场环境。Tang says the success of Shanghai Tang is owed to finding a business market niche.
- 中国科学院生物物理所感染与免疫中心的Hong Tang也对论文作出了贡献。Hong Tang of the Center for Infection and Immunity, Institute of Biophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, also contributed to the paper.
- 中外许多翻译家对此提出了许多理论、原则和技巧,并做了大量的翻译工作,出版了许多翻译成果,如Arthur Waley的Jade Mountain,Soame Jenyns的Selections from the 300poems of Tang Dynasty;Giles, Arthur Waley, Ezra Pound, Xu Yuanzhong, Weng Xianliang and some others are prominent figures. Many collections of English versions of Chinese poems, including Tang poetry, have been published at home and abroad, such as Jade Mountain translated by Arthur Waley; Selections from the 300 Poems of the Tang Dynasty by Soame Jenyns;
- 近年来,许多人对索赔间隔时间为Erlang分布的Erlang风险模型很感兴趣,例如Dickson and Hipp(1998),Dickson and Hipp(2001),Cheng and Tang(2003),Gerber and Shiu(2003a,b),Li and Garrido(2005)等等。During the recent years, in the study of insurance risk analysis, many people have been interested in the Erlang risk model in which the interclaim times have Erlang distribution, see e.g. Dickson and Hipp (1998), Dickson and Hipp (2001), Cheng and Tang (2003a,b), Gerber and Shiu (2005) Li and Garrido (2005), among others.