- 陶pottery
- Tang ware (陶)唐窑
- Tang-Toennies势模型Tang-Toennies potential model
- Tang女士不是一个在职业上的向导。Madam Tang is not a guide by profession.
- Author Ware的ODBC数据库接口The ODBC Database Interface of AuthorWare
- Tang乃美国通用食品公司注册商标。Tang is the registered trademark of General foods Corporation, USA.
- 奥陶系Ordovician
- net ware操作系统的主要优点是能够运行在多种网络硬件上。Perhaps the primary advantage of Net ware is that it runs on a wide variety of networking hardware.
- Tang说上海唐氏的成功归功于市场环境。Tang says the success of Shanghai Tang is owed to finding a business market niche.
- 陶瓷器chinaware
- 工作站上的Net ware外壳程序拦截了DOS的21H中断,并重新走向为对服务器的调用。The Net ware shell in each workstation intercepts 21H DOS calls and redirects appropriate calls to the server.
- 中国科学院生物物理所感染与免疫中心的Hong Tang也对论文作出了贡献。Hong Tang of the Center for Infection and Immunity, Institute of Biophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, also contributed to the paper.
- (陶瓷器)表面的裂缝A fine crack in a surface or glaze.
- 事实上,除了自己的一部分软件外,IBM公司也为所有的PC网和令牌环网购买了net ware操作系统。In fact,IBM now markets Net ware for both the PC Network and for Token Ring in addition to its own software.
- 陶碗an earthenware bowl
- 本文介绍了采用 Net Ware/IP技术 ,在 CERNET网络平台上实现 CD- ROM光盘广域联网检索的方法。In this paper, We introduce a method to realize the CD ROM based retrieval on the CERNET WAN platform by use of Netware/IP. The advantages of the adopted solution is low cost and effectiveness.
- 制陶potting
- 我想买些中号的白陶花瓶。I will like to buy some medium size white pottery vase.
- 赭色陶文化Ochre Coloured Ware Culture
- 陶寺漆器Lacquer from Taosi