- There is still no ending sign to the bloodshed as US-led troops continue a renewed offensive against resurgent Taliban fighters. 随着以美国为首的部队对死灰复燃的塔利班战士展开新一轮的攻势,流血还将继续。
- Initially, Taliban fighters had fired at the Buddha with assault rifles, stinger missiles and RPGs, to little effect. 一开始,神学士民兵用突击步枪、刺针飞弹、火箭推进式榴弹对著佛像扫射,但没什麽成效。
- After prayers, the Taliban fighters congregated in the yard to enjoy the early evening breeze. 祈祷结束后,塔利班战士们聚集在院子里,享受黄昏的微风。
- Afghan officials say hundreds of Taliban fighters have taken over villages in the area. 阿富汗的官员称:塔利班武装分子已经占据了这一地区的村落。
- The NATO-led forces are trying to drive Taliban fighters from the district of Panjwai near Kandahar city in an offensive called“ Operation Medusa”. 北约组织领导的部队正试图在一次代号为“美杜莎行动”的进攻中将塔利班士兵从坎大哈城附近的本杰瓦尔区驱逐出去。
- The NATO-led forces are trying to drive Taliban fighters from the district of Panjwai near Kandahar city in an offensive called "Operation Medusa". 北约组织领导的部队正试图在一次代号为“美杜莎行动”的进攻中将塔利班士兵从坎大哈城附近的本杰瓦尔区驱逐出去。
- With the economy still a wreck, crime on the rise, aching poverty everywhere and Taliban fighters resurgent, the course now seems out of place. 阿富汗经济仍旧衰败,犯罪日渐猖狂,令人心痛的穷困触目可见,神学士战士活动再起,让这个球场似乎显得不合时宜。
- They say that helicopters ferried the troops from Afghanistan to a tribal area of south Waziristan, a heaven for Taliban fighters. 还说直升机将部队从阿富汗空运到南瓦齐里斯坦一部落地区。
- In Afghanistan itself, officials say Taliban fighters ambushed police convoy early on Monday killing eight officers and wounding one other. 阿富汉官方称塔利班武装分子于周一伏击了警方护卫队,并造成警员八死一伤。
- One factor was the influx of Taliban fighters pushed out of the Garmser district, where American marines were clearing insurgents. 其中一个因素是被赶出加姆赛尔地区塔利班武装分子的涌入,当时美军正在该地区清剿反叛分子。
- Caption :The troops hope to root out pockets of Taliban fighters and find and destroy insurgent weapons caches, a U.S. officer in Kabul said. 描述:一名美国官员在喀布尔表示,美军希望此次行动能够彻底根除塔利班武装组织,同时找到并摧毁叛乱分子的武器藏匿处。
- These areas border on eastern Afghanistan and provide haven for al-Qaida and Taliban fighters to regroup, rearm and reorganize. 舆论同时认为,美国在巴的成功其实取决于阻止巴基斯坦陷入混乱与动荡不安。
- Pakistani television news channels showed Taliban fighters triumphantly carrying office equipment out of the offices of the organizations. 巴基斯坦一家电视台新闻频道表明塔利班战士胜利办公设备进行了办公室的组织。
- Taliban fighters in Afghanistan launch new offensives each summer when warm weather eases travel and clears passes in the country's rugged mountains. 每年夏季当气候变暖方便出行,进出山区崎岖不平的道路通畅时,阿富汗的塔利班武装就发动新攻势。
- Our fighter planes are all armed with cannon. 我们的战斗机都装备了机关炮。
- The fighter plane was completely destroyed. 这架战斗机彻底毁坏了。
- The US military and the Afghan Government say they will investigate a TV report claiming US soldiers in Afghanistan burned the bodies of two Taliban fighters. 美军和阿富汗政府称,将会针对一则驻阿富汗美军焚烧塔里班两名战斗人员尸体的电视报道展开调查。
- The sword is an attribute of a fighter. 剑是斗士的象征。
- US-led coalition troops began the Operation Anaconda on March 1, which is aimed at crushing al-Qaeda and Taliban fighters in the mountains of eastern Afghanistan. 以美国为首的联合部队于3月1日发起“蟒蛇行动”,以清剿藏匿于阿富汗东部山区的基地组织和塔利班武装分子。
- Doctor Bethune is a great international fighter. 白求恩大夫是个伟大的国际主义战士。