- THz产生generation of THz wave
- THz源THz source
- THz激光THz laser
- 合伙人之间产生了严重分歧。Between the copartners serious disagreements arose.
- THz射线THz radiation
- THz波导THz waveguide
- 物质燃烧时产生化学变化。A chemical change takes place in any substance when it burns.
- THz脉冲Terabertz
- 她产生了好奇心.Her curiosity was piqued.
- THz光波Terahertz wave
- 无知产生偏见。Ignorance breeds prejudice.
- THz波器件THz devices
- 她对他产生了热烈的爱慕之情。She formed a strong attachment for him.
- THz辐射波Terahertz radiation
- 他的态度使我对他产生好感。I am prepossessed by his manners.
- THz谱特性spectral characteristics in THz region
- 病态地产生流胶物质。pathological production of gummy exudates in citrus and various stone-fruit trees.
- 光泵THz激光器optically pumped THz laser
- 产生热generate heat.
- 任何事的产生都必然有其原因。Every effect supposes a cause.