- TBT设立原则established principles of TBT
- 指导原则the golden rule
- 诚信原则principle of good faith
- TBT协定TBT agreement
- 设立会社institute a society
- "一个中国" 的原则"one-China" principle
- TBT/SPS通报TBT/SPS notification
- 在浅滩上设立标识beacon the shoals
- 权责发生制原则accrual basis principle
- TBT对中国出口日本烤鳗的影响Effects of TBT on China's Eel Export to Japan
- 我们坚持种族平等的原则。We uphold the principle of racial equality.
- 他们设立了监察机构。They set up a supervisory institution.
- TBT模式中承包商风险防范体系的研究Research on Risk Precautionary System of the Construction Contractors in TBT Project
- 和平共处五项原则Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence
- 设立公共机构to erect an institution
- 西方国家实施TBT对我国商品出口的影响Effect of TBT by Western Countries on Our Country's Commodity Export
- 他根据既定原则处理那问题。He dealt with the problem on principle.
- 悬念在歌剧开始就已设立了。Suspense was building right from the beginning of the opera.
- 两项TBT通报对广州市机电行业的影响及对策Two TBT Notifications'Affections on the Electromechanical Industry in Guangzhou and the Countermeasures
- 这原则仍适用于现状。The principle still holds true for the present situation.