- TB-SMA势函数TB-SMA potentials
- 复势函数complex potential function
- 运势luck tendency
- 幂势函数power potential function
- 电势electric potential
- 他有钱有势,可尽管如此却并不快乐。He has great power and wealth, but is still unhappy for all that.
- 三维涡流场问题数值计算中几种场及势函数的比较与应用Comparision and Application of Alternative Field and Potential Functions in Numerical Calculations of 3-D Eddy Current Problems
- 趋炎附势curry favour with the powerful
- 造势make a show of power
- 去势emasculation
- 势的potential
- 爱里势函数potential function of airy
- 蓄势save up strength
- 势垒voltage barrier
- 势函数potential function
- 关于最弱受约束电子势模型理论中势函数物理意义的讨论Discussion about the Physical Meaning of Potential Function in the Weakest Bound Electron Potential Model Theory
- 势场函数potential field function
- 势函数法potential function method
- 人工势场函数Artificial potential functions
- 莫尔斯势函数morse potential function