- TAF由香港国际机场发出TAF issued by the Hong Kong International Airport
- 香港国际机场加强安检HK international airport tightens security
- 发出to send out
- 10分钟内我们将在香港国际机场降落。We'll land in the Hongkong International Airport within ten minutes.
- 香港特别行政区的行政机关和立法机关由香港永久性居民组成。The HKSAR's executive authorities and legislature shall be composed of permanent residents of Hong Kong.
- 这艘船由香港开出。The ship cleared from Hong Kong.
- 香港国际机场是全球数一数二的综合机场建设,各项主要设施一应俱全As one of the world's most spectacular airport complexes, HKIA possesses all the key airport facilities
- 由香港邮政或电子核证服务有限公司发出的数码证书。Digital Certificate issued by Hongkong Post or the Digi-Sign Certification Services Ltd.
- 飞机降落在旧金山国际机场。The airplane has landed at San Francisco International Airport.
- 第三条 香港特别行政区的行政机关和立法机关由香港永久性居民依照本法有关规定组成。Article 3 The executive authorities and legislature of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region shall be composed of permanent residents of Hong Kong in accordance with the relevant provisions of this Law.
- 新桥国际机场Xinqiao International Airport
- 香港国际机场Hong Kong International Airport
- 香港大球场由香港赛马会斥资8.5亿元重建。The Hong Kong Stadium was redeveloped with a donation of %24850 million from the Hong Kong Jockey Club.
- 国际机场/学校/公司an international airport/school/company
- 远期汇票要由香港银行回签,以证明你方签字是真实、有效的。The time draft is to be countersigned by the Bank of Hong Kong, certifying that your signature is true and valid.
- 上海国际机场宾馆Shanghai International Convention Center Hotel
- 现在有些组件是由香港提供的。Some of the components are now sourced in Hongkong.
- 首都国际机场线Capital international airport line
- 由香港运往台北。At and from Hong Kong to Tai Pei.