- Spondias amara [医] 苦槟榔青, 苦味人面子
- Colombo pasciuto, ciliegia amara. 饱了蜜不甜。
- As we were near the car, Amara reached for the bag. 走到车跟前的时候,阿玛拉伸手去那个购物袋。
- Amara illustrates how hard it is to contain these networks. 阿马拉的例子说明了要限制这些暴力网络是多么困难。
- Amara Flash Menu Maker V2.0 2004-12-13 用 Amara Flash Menu Maker 您... 14这是一个免费的档案分享软体,它不单单可以让你与他人共...
- Ms Amara said she was "in favour of the burka not existing in my country". 阿马拉埃西女士说,她是“有利于布尔卡不会在我国现有的” 。
- Artificial pigments,preservatives,sweeteners,sorbic acid,edible gum,etc. in Spondias axillaris jelly were determined by HPLC. 使用HPLC法对南酸枣糕中的合成色素、防腐剂、甜味剂、山梨酸、食品胶等成分进行了测定研究。
- Abstract: Artificial pigments,preservatives,sweeteners,sorbic acid,edible gum,etc. in Spondias axillaris jelly were determined by HPLC. 摘要: 使用HPLC法对南酸枣糕中的合成色素、防腐剂、甜味剂、山梨酸、食品胶等成分进行了测定研究。
- Looking for a new strike partner for Jermain Defoe, Redknapp also ran the rule over PSG's 25-year-old star Amara Diane. 为了给前锋笛福找一个新的搭档,雷德克纳普也将注意力转向巴黎圣日耳曼的25岁球星黛安。
- A notorious Shiites mililtia is said to taking control Iraq’s southern city of Amara. 据说臭名昭著的什叶派军队控制了伊拉克的南部城市阿玛拉。
- You are not limited to amara: genuine goatskin, cow hide leather isalso widely utilized with four-way spandex on back. 您还可以选择其他材质:真山羊皮和牛皮也被广泛用来制作(手套),背面为四向弹性纤维。
- Definition: Whole, dried, unopened flower of Citrus aurantium L. ssp. aurantium (C. aurantium L. ssp. amara Engl.). 本品为芸香科植物酸橙Citrus aurantium L.;ssp
- A tropical American shrub or small tree(Quassia amara) having bright scarlet flowers and yielding a valuable, lustrous, fine-grained, yellowish-white wood. 苦木一种热带美洲灌木或小树(苦木苦木属),开鲜艳的猩红色花,所产木材珍贵、有光泽、细质、呈黄白色
- Spondias axillaris Roxb. 南酸枣
- Militiamen destroyed three police stations in the city during the fighting. Iraqi government sent an envoy to Amara to try to quell the unrest. 在战斗中,武装分子捣毁了3个警察局.伊拉克政府向阿马拉派出一名特使,试图平息骚乱。
- Spondias L. [医] 槟榔青属
- UrbanRegeneration Minister Fadela Amara told the Financial Times that a veilcovering everything but the eyes represented "the oppression of women". 城市复兴部长Fadela阿马拉埃西告诉金融时报说,面纱涵盖一切,但眼睛派“的压迫妇女” 。
- Definition: Neroli oil is obtained by steam distillation from the fresh flowers of Citrus aurantium L. subsp. aurantium L. (C. aurantium L. subsp. amara Engl.). 本品为芸香科植物酸橙Citrus aurantium L.;subsp
- Fadela Amara, a rights campaigner of Algerian background, who is the Housing Minister, said that she was alarmed by the number of women “who are being put in this kind of tomb”. 法德拉阿玛拉,一名有阿尔及利亚血统的人权活动家,也是住房部长,称她为“正在被投进这种坟墓”的妇女的人数而担心。
- Mr Amara pleaded guilty on October 8th, the fourth member of the group to do so in the past two months (a youth deemed to have had peripheral involvement was convicted in 2008). 阿马拉先生10月8日认罪,该组织的四号人物在过去两月亦这样做了(一个被认为在外围参与的年轻人2008年获罪)。