- Spee曲线Curve of Spee
- Spee's曲线curve of Spee's
- 曲线(n) curved shape
- Spee曲线与下颌管走行的相关性Correlation between Spee curve and mandibular canal
- 曲线的curvilinear
- 国防开支耗掉了预算的39%。Defence expenditures chew up 39 per cent of the budget.
- 标准曲线specification curve
- 曲线拟合curve fitting
- 拟合曲线fitting curve
- 特性曲线frequency plot
- 变化曲线change curve
- 二次曲线conic
- 关系曲线relation curve
- 记忆曲线memory curve
- 生长曲线growth curvature
- 菲利普斯曲线Phillips curve
- 无差异曲线indifference curve
- 曲线锯curved saw
- 配光曲线distribution curve flux
- 超越曲线transcendental curve