- Software firms will probably start bundling social features of this kind into all sorts of business software. 软件公司可能开始建立社交网络的特性扩展到商务软件的各个领域。
- Two of us still studying at the Universities, the others are working at software firms. 我们中的两人还在上大学,其他人在软件公司工作。
- Big software firms derided the idea that anyone would put their trust in free software written by mysterious online collectives. 大软件公司对这种想法嗤之以鼻,认为没人会相信诡异的网上集体写出的免费软件。
- Unite this detect killing poisonous software firm to appear for each adumbrative the space of further progress. 这次统一检测在为各家杀毒软件厂商似乎预示了进一步发展的空间。
- Last year it struck a deal with an open-source software firm, Novell, to make both companies' products work smoothly together. 去年它和一家开源软件公司Novell达成了一项协议,让两家公司的产品协同运行更加顺畅。
- Although Beijing software government is purchased " of "11 month disturbance has come to an end, homebred software firm laughed finally. 尽管北京市软件政府采购的"11月风波"已经告一段落,国产软件厂商笑到了最后。
- Swanson founded the global engineering software firm in 1970 and Wednesday, he said he simply wanted to give back to those who helped him succeed. 斯旺森公司成立了全球工程软件公司在1970年至星期三说,他只是想给回那些帮助他取得成功。
- The cards make it easier for parents to keep tabs on their youngsters, said Toru Hasegawa, a spokesman for software firm NAJ Corp, based in western Japan. 据这家坐落在日本西部的NAJ软件公司发言人长谷川介绍,这种卡能够使家长更加容易地了解孩子们的行踪。
- But OMS Services, a British software firm, says government agencies pay a lot more than commercial users, who pay about $50,000 for its NameX programme. 但一家英国OMS软件服务公司(OMSServices)表示,政府情报机构在使用软件时说花销的费用要比商业用户高得多,商业用户要支付5万美元以获得X名字程序的服务。
- For instance, if Microsoft can make applications such as the browser part of its operating system, other software firms might have less incentive to develop new and better applications. 譬如,如果微软将浏览器这样的应用软件做成操作系统的一部分,其他的软件厂商就会缺少动机、开发更新更好的软件。
- By promising to release, at some point later this year, an operating system for personal computers the online giant is launching a direct attack on Microsoft, the world's biggest software firm. 互联网巨头承诺将于今年底某些时候发布一款针对个人电脑的操作系统,借此向微软这个世界上最大的软件公司发起直接进攻。
- I would advise you to update the software. 我建议你把这个软件升级。
- Some publishers are now diversifying into software. 有些出版社目前正兼营软件。
- There are many sorts of software in my computer. 我的计算机里有很多软件。
- Her talk ran on developments in computer software. 她谈的是计算机软件的开发问题。
- We deal in hardware but not software. 我们只经营硬件而不经营软件。
- The software runs compatibly with many machines. 这个软体与许多机器兼容运行。
- The computing machine in which no software is installed. 其中尚未安装任何软件的计算机。
- A multipurpose room; multipurpose software. 多用途的房间; 多功能软件
- No, not that. I am interested in the new software you advertised. 不,不是那种产品。我是对你们广告的新软件感兴趣。