- Shui Hung Social Service Award 瑞熊社会服务奖
- Deadline for Service Award for a Polio-free World nominations . 提名无小儿麻痹世界服务奖的截止日期。
- MOS Rail's Tai Shui Hang Station will be located in the Central Railway Reserve Area of Ma On Shan Road opposite Kam Tai Court. 马铁大水坑站位于锦泰苑对开马鞍山路中央铁路专用範围。
- Demand for social service vary according to the weather. 对社会服务的需求根据气候变化。
- Possession Street, also known as Shui Hang Hau, is where the British first landed when they arrived in Hong Kong in 1841 and called the spot Possession Cape. 水坑口街原名水坑口,是英国人于1841年登陆香港的地点,英国人当时称之为占领角。
- Deadline for nominations for The Rotary Foundation Distinguished Service Award. 提名扶轮基金特优服务奖的截止日期。
- The 11.4 km MOS Rail will have nine stations: Tai Wai, Che Kung Temple, Sha Tin Wai, City One, Shek Mun, Tai Shui Hang, Heng On, Ma On Shan and Wu Kai Sha. 马铁全长11.;4公里,共设九个车站,包括大围、车公庙、沙田围、第一城、石门、大水坑、恒安、马鞍山及乌溪沙。
- Many social services are still provided by voluntary societies in our city. 在我们的城市,许多社会服务仍然是有志愿团体提供的。
- Our Outstanding Service Award honors sustained contributions of distinction by an individual in the service of university and society. 我们的杰出服务奖将颁发给那些在大学和社会服务方面持续做出突出贡献的个人。
- Social services keep lists of at-risk children. 社工组织保留有在家里可能遭受伤害的孩子名单。
- There should be a lot more interaction between the social services and local doctors. 社会公益服务机构和当地医生应该加强协作。
- Seymour also receives funding from the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, part of the National Institutes of Health, through a National Research Service Award. 西摩也通过国家研究服务奖获得隶属于国立卫生研究院的国立心脏、肺和血液研究所的资金资助。
- For his dedication and service to NTU from undergraduate and beyond, as well as to fellow alumni, Mr Wee Keat Kheng's efforts are recognised with the Nanyang Alumni Service Award. 无论在校内或是毕业后,黄吉庆始终不遗余力为母校服务,积极协助校友保持联系,南大特此颁发南洋校友服务奖以资肯定。
- A person using the services of a social services agency. 使用社会服务机构服务的人
- Many social services are still provided by voluntary organizations. 许多社会服务仍是由志愿团体提供的。
- Vivekananda, more than any earlier Hindu reformer, encouraged social service and the uplift of the downtrodden. 维韦卡南达,大大超越了任何较早期的印度教改革家,鼓励社会服务和提升被压迫者的地位。
- Andy is a Major Donor, Charter Bequest Society member, and Foundation Benefactor. He is recipient of the Distinguished Service Award and the Citation for Meritorious Service award. 安迪是位钜额捐献人、赠协会创会会员和扶轮基金永久基金捐献人。他为扶轮基金会特优服务奖和扶轮基金会有功服务奖的受奖人。
- He advised me to utilize the remaining years of my transitory life in self uplift and social service. 他建议我把我的短暂的有生之年奉献到自我提升和社会服务上来。
- To further encourage civil servants in providing quality service to the community and to recognise their achievements and efforts in customer service, a Customer Service Award Scheme was introduced in 1999. 公务员事务局在一九九九年推行顾客服务奖励计划,进一步鼓励公务员为市民提供优质服务,以及表扬他们在服务顾客方面的表现和努力。
- Or sometimes the children will be separated from being with their parents and put in a social service, if the parents maltreat them. 如果父母亲虐待他们的小孩的话,或者有时候小孩不能再和父母亲生活在一起,而被送往社会服务机构。