- Should Kobe be top dog? 科比应该是最好的吗?
- I hope you will be top dog in your profession. 我希望你能成为业界出类拔萃的人物
- Norway has been top dog of the whaling business for more than half a century. 挪威执捕鲸业之牛耳已达半世纪以上。
- Germany's international captain has also discounted the idea that he revels in being top dog in any team in which he plays. 这位德国国家队的队长也不介意是否能成为一支球队的领袖。
- Should Kobe's fans be satisfied with his current discography? 科比的球迷们是否满足于他现在的状态?
- Did not go to think her. I must be the top dog. 不要再去想她。我必须混出人头地。
- Fighting corruption should be top national agenda. 打击贪污应列为国家的首要任务。
- I do not deny that the projector be top quality. 我并不否认放映机质量上乘。
- The well-to-do averted their eyes from the poor. They were too busy having a good time. The upper-middle class were top dogs. 富人们连看都不看那些穷人们,他们只顾自己享受去了。上层中产阶级都是些有权势的人。
- Be careful what you say to him because he's top dog in the office. 和他说话你要谨慎,因为他是这办公室里左右局面的人。
- Who's the top dog in the company? 公司里谁是头儿?
- Mr. Johnson thinks he's the top dog around here. 约翰逊先生认为他是这一带的头儿。
- Thirty years ago, Kobe was nothing but a small fishing village. 三十年前神户只不过是一个小渔村。
- Good as he is, he will never be top of his class. 他虽然很好,但他决不会成为班上的尖子。
- John is a top dog in his profession. 约翰在本行是个非常显赫的人物。
- But if LeBron's rebounds are written off as a function of position, shouldn't Kobe be expected to have higher assist and scoring totals than LeBron based on the fact he's a guard? 但是如果说勒布朗-詹姆斯的篮球抢的多是位置的原因,那科比作为一名后卫,助攻和得分是不是分别要比詹姆斯多呢?
- When Kobe was seven, he received his first leather basketball from his father. 寇比七岁时从父亲那里得到了人生第一个皮革制的篮球。
- Has the tower been topped off yet? 塔楼举行封顶仪式了吗?
- Thought still a young man,he is already top dog in his firm. 尽管年轻,他已在公司掌权了。
- Among cricketers Ian Botham has to be top of the class. 在板球运动员当中,伊恩·博塞姆必定是第一流的。