- She studied human behavior. 她学过人类行为学。
- The findings came as no surprise to those in the business of studying human behavior and love. 这个研究发现对那些从事研究人类行为和爱情生意的人来说,并不会感到惊奇。
- She studied hard; thus she got high marks. 她用功读书,因此获得高分。
- She studied sculpture at art school. 她在美术学校学习雕刻。
- She studied Classics at university. 她在大学学习古希腊与古罗马的语言文学。
- She has just a thimbleful of insight into human behavior. 她很少能够洞察别人的行为。
- She studied the young man with her sharp bright eyes. 她用明亮锐利的眼睛端详这年轻男士。
- She studied hard, and in consequence she passed the examination. 她努力学习,结果通过了考试。
- Can a policemen possibly enjoy weltering in the dirty side of human behavior? 一个警察整天和人类行为的丑恶面打交道,能感到津津有味吗?
- She studies three times as hard as I. 她用功的程度是我的三倍。
- She studied his face very intently for a minute. 她对他的脸仔细端详了一分钟。
- Not all human behavior fossilizes. 并不是所有的人类的行为都会成为化石。
- The human behavior is rarely, if ever, elegant. 可是人类行为很少,甚至不会,很完美。
- She studied the complexion of jealousy. 她研究嫉妒的表现。
- It's the language of all human behavior. 良好的举止是全人类行为的语言。”
- She studies biochemistry, or the science of life. 她学生物化学,也就是生命科学。
- Monkeys often imitate human behavior. 猴子经常模仿人的行为。
- She studied painting under masters. 她在名家指导下学画。
- She studied me with her sharp bright eyes. 她用她敏锐鲜明的目光打量着我。
- She studied so hard that she passed the exam. 她这么用功,所以通过了考试。