- She carried the box downstairs. 她把箱子搬到楼下去了。
- She carried the box under her arm. 她腋下挟着一个盒子。
- She carried the parcel in the crook of her arm. 她把包裹挎在臂弯处。
- She carried the purse slung across her shoulder. 她挎包痛在肩膀上。
- She can carry the box by herself. 她自己能拿动这个箱子。
- She offered to carry the box for her mother. 她主动提出要帮她母亲拿箱子。
- We carried the boxes into the room. 我们将箱子搬进室内。
- She carried the odour of sanctity about her. 她有圣人之誉。
- Do you charge for helping me carry the box? 你帮我拿这个盒子收费吗?
- With Tom Thumbs`s assistance she carried the bolster downstairs, and across the hearth-rug. It was diffcult to squeeze the bolster into the mouse-hole; but they managed it somehow. 在汤姆大拇的协助下,她把长枕头搬到了楼下,穿过壁炉前的地毯。长枕头很难挤进老鼠洞,不过他们七弄八弄总算搞定了。
- He helped to carry the box into the room. 他帮助把箱子搬到房间里去了。
- He is strong enough to carry the box. 他足够强壮来搬这只箱子。
- Can I help you carry the box to your office? 要我帮你把箱子提到你办公室吗?
- She carried off most of the prizes for swimming. 她获得游泳项目的大多数奖。
- Just leave the box downstairs. 把箱子就放在楼下吧。
- She carried the food to her mouth in tiny bits, as if dreading its choking her. 她还把食物小块小块地往嘴里送,好象怕食物梗在喉咙里似的。
- Can you help me carry the box upstairs? 你能帮我把箱子搬到楼上吗?
- She carried the rubbish away. 她把垃圾搬走。
- Please carry the box with this side up. 抬这个箱子的时候请这边向上。
- "Can you help me carry the box?""All right. “你能帮我搬这个箱子吗?”“行。