- Sharp套期比Sharp hedging ratio
- 套期比hedging ratio
- 最优套期比optimal hedge ratio
- 比ratio
- 最小方差套期比MV hedge ratio
- 石油期货套期保值套期比选取的研究Research on the Oil Futures Hedging Ratio
- 那次葡萄采收期比平常年份晚。The vintage was later than usual.
- 该套期不再满足运用本准则规定的套期会计方法的条件。The hedging no longer satisfies the conditions for adopting the hedging accounting methods as prescribed in these Standards.
- 那次葡萄采收期比平常年份晚.The vintage was later than usual.
- 动态套期dynamic hedge
- 凸度套期convexity hedge
- 她是否在某一时期比平时咳嗽得厉害?Does she cough more often than usual in a particular season?
- 交叉套期cross hedge
- 对外贸易在这一时期比内战以来任何时候都发展得快。Foreign trade expanded at a faster pace during this period than at any time since the Civil War.
- 套期锁险fax - lost
- BMR受月经周期影响,月经期比月经前下降7.2%。BMR is influenced by menstrual cycles, shows a slight premenstrual rise and a 7.2%25 menstrual depression.
- 垂直套期vertical spread
- 二零零一年年底,所有未偿还定息债券的平均年期比二零零零年略长。The average maturity profile of all outstanding fixed-rate debt at the end of 2001 increased slightly compared with 2000.
- 套期持换advance refunding
- 一些用户抱怨他们的试用版终止期比应该的要长,为什么发生这个问题?Some of my customers are complaining that their trial versions expire long before they should. Why does this happen?