- SDS不溶性谷蛋白大聚体SDS-unextractable glutenin polymeric
- 测定了 2 33份小麦面粉样品的高分子量谷蛋白亚基 (HMW GS)含量、Zeleny 沉降值和谷蛋白大聚体 (GMP)含量 ,并根据SDS PAGE结果计算了其Payne亚基品质评分。Content of high-molecular-weight glutenin subunits (HMW-GS) of 233 wheat flour samples was analyzed, together with their Zeleny sedimentation value, flour glutenin macropolymer (GMP) content and Payne quality score.
- 大鼠老化进程中晶状体蛋白水溶性向水不溶性的转变Change of crystallins from water soluble into insoluble with ageing of rat
- 胶原水解产物与羧甲基纤维素的聚合电解质铬合物1.不溶性络合物的生成Polyelectrolyte Complexes of Collagen Hydrolysates with Carboxymethyl Cellulose 1.Conditions of the Formation of Insoluble Complexes
- 谷蛋白大聚合体(GMP)Glutenin macropolymer(GMP)
- 废酵母中碱不溶性葡聚糖的制备及其理化性质Preparation and Physical-Chemical Properties of Alkali-Insoluble Glucan from Abolished Yeast
- 用于果汁脱色和澄清的不溶性壳聚糖的制备工艺Preparation and Characteristics of Insoluble Chitosan Used for Decolourization and Clarification of Apple Juice
- 不溶性单层insoluble monolayer
- 不溶性淀粉insoluble starch
- 不溶性毒素insoluble toxin
- 不溶性颗粒insoluble granule
- 不溶性物质insoluble substance
- 不溶性屑垢insoluble scale
- 不溶性阳极insoluble anode
- 不溶性杂质insoluble impurities
- 不溶性紫檀insoluble redwood
- 不溶性染色剂insoluble colorant
- 不溶性重晶石insoluble barite
- 不溶性污泥insoluble sludge
- 不溶性固体insoluble solid