- 大鼠bandicoot
- SD-大鼠SD rat
- 鼠rat
- SD乳大鼠SD rat
- SD大鼠30天喂养试验血液学指标和血清生化指标参考值探讨Study of Normal Value Ranges for Hematology and Biochemical Indexes in Serum of SD Rat in 30 Days Feeding Test
- 方法:取成年SD雄性大鼠16只,随机分为两组,每组8只。16 SD adult male rats were divided into two groups randomly.
- 幼雌SD大鼠estrogen-like activity
- 雄性SD大鼠Male Sprague-Dawley rats
- SD成年大鼠SD adult rat
- 新生SD大鼠SD neonatal rat
- 成年SD大鼠脑adult brain of Sprague Dawley rats
- SD大鼠线栓模型thread embolus model of SD rat
- SD大鼠视网膜神经细胞培养上清液对胚胎干细胞体外分化的诱导作用The preliminary study on commitment differentiation of embryonic stem cells induced by the medium of cultured retinal neurons of SD rats
- 方法 建造SD大鼠EMT模型。Methods EMT model of SD rats were set up .
- SD大鼠下颌骨的性别判别分析Sexual discriminant analysis of SD rats'mandible
- 健康雄性SD大鼠48只,SPF级。Forty-eight male SD rats in a SPF grade were selected.
- SD大鼠颌下腺肿瘤动物模型的建立Establishment of SD-rat submandibular gland tumor model induced by DMBA
- 高脂肪饮食对SD大鼠前列腺的影响Effect of High Fat Diet on the Size and Weight of SD Rat Prostate
- SD大鼠骨组织冷冻预处理温度的选择Selecting of Optimal Temperature for Frozen of SD Rats Bone
- SD大鼠超数排卵及早期胚胎体内发育Superovulation and Early-stage Development in Vivo of Embryos in SD Rats