- SAR影像光束法平差研究Bundle adjustment research of SAR image
- 卫星三线阵CCD影像光束法平差研究Bundle Adjustment of Satellite Borne Three-Line Array CCD Image
- 基于新模型的高分辨率遥感影像光束法区域网平差Block Adjustment Based on New Strict Geometric Model of Satellite Images with High Resolution
- 联合光束法平差combined bundle block adjustment
- 塘沽海区海底地形的SAR影像仿真与反演研究Simulation and Inversion Study on the Submarine Topography in the Tanggu Sea Area Using SAR Images
- 光束法平差bundle adjustment
- 在双子礁SAR影像仿真的基础上,本文利用一景ERS-1 SAR影像和两景RADASAT SAR影像进行了双子礁水下地形SAR影像探测研究。Shallow underwater topography of ShuangZi reef is detected by one scene ERS-1 SAR image and two scenes RADARSAT SAR images based on its SAR image simulation.
- 道路纵断面测量中桩里程平差研究Study of the pole Mileage tie dispatches in Road Vertical Section measurement
- 利用模拟卫星摄影测量数据按EFP法光束法平差与直接前方交会计算高程的精度比较Comparision of the Height Accuracy Obtained from EFP Bundle Adjustment and Forward Intersection Using Simulation Space Photogrammetric Data
- 乌干达HIV感染患者并发瘙痒性丘疹皮损的病因学研究Etiology of pruritic papular eruption with HIV infection in Uganda
- 卫星多普勒网短弧法平差的研究结果On the Result of experimental Computation in the Adjustment of the Satellite Doppler Network by Short-arc Method
- 坐标变量法平差coordinate variation adjustment
- 光束法区域网平差bundle block adjustment
- 自检校光线束法平差bundle adjustment with self-calibration
- GPS辅助光束法区域网平差GPS-supported bundle block adjustment
- 用带有参数的条件平差法平差无定向的附和导线Adjusting Non-directional Traverse by Condition Adjustment with Parameter
- 无地面控制GPS辅助光束法区域网平差GPS-supported Bundle Block Adjustment Without Ground Control Points
- 联合平差法在GPS控制网建立中的应用研究Application and Study of Integration Adjustment in Establishing GPS Control Network
- 光束平差法Bundle adjustment
- 基于已知定向参数影像的光束法区域网平差Bundle Block Adjustment Based on Imageries Given Orientation Parameters