- Rob 8岁就开始编程。Rob has been programming since he was 8 years old.
- 最佳起始年龄是8岁。虽然有些儿童从6岁就开始训练,我国有一套少年儿童的体操运动发展计划,从8岁到10岁。The optimum starting age is eight,although some children begin training at six years old. In my country we have a junior gymnastics development program for children aged from eight to ten.
- 10岁开始编程,你我玩游戏的时候,他就做程序钩子来修改游戏。I started coding at the age of about 10, with a Sinclair ZX81 that my parents bought us for Christmas.
- 就要will; be about to
- 在开始编程之前,应当先完成表设计、数据常态化、了解每个字段和关系。Thou shalt design normalized tables and understand thy fields and relationships before thou dost begin.
- 她很小就开始表演,8岁的时候参加了米老鼠俱乐部的试演。She began performing at an early age, and when she was 8, she auditioned for the Mickey Mouse Club.
- 这样,我9岁就挑起了家庭的重担。我想方设法,干各种杂活,养家活口。So I was a bread winner when I was nine. I did odds and sods to get things by any means.
- 更为奇怪的是,这种安排实际上很好用,刚开始编程的程序员发现,这要比用花括号来说明结构要容易。Even more strangely, this arrangement actually seems to work, and beginning programmers find it easier to use than curly braces to indicate structure.
- 她的歌唱事业始于8岁。Her professional career began at the ripe old age of 8.
- 但多线程程序会造成许多困难,刚开始编程的开发者常常会发现他们被一些问题所折磨,例如不正确的程序行为或死锁。Thread programming poses many difficulties, and many developers often find themselves falling prey to problems such as incorrect application behavior and deadlocked applications.
- 他们一抵达就开始工作。They set to work as soon as they arrived.
- 一个8岁的小孩an eight-year-old child
- 她十八岁就从北京大学毕业了。She graduated from the Peking University when she was eighteen years old.
- 他几乎马上就开始抱怨起天气来了。Almost immediately he began to complain about the weather.
- 他九岁就当了演员。He went to the stage at the age of nine.
- 自昨晚起风势就开始平息了。The wind has gone down a little since last night.
- 他认为他50岁就老了。He called himself old at fifty.
- 我一离开家就开始下雪了。No sooner had I left the house than it began to snow.
- 朱丽叶8岁时开始跟丽莲.史蒂利斯.艾伦夫人学习声乐课。Julie began singing lessons with Madame Lillian Stiles-Allen at the age of 8.
- 36岁就停经了Pass the menopause at age 36