- Recipe for diarrhea with pain 痛泻要方
- I have severe diarrhea with pain. 我拉肚子很厉害,而且也痛。
- He knows the recipe for this dish. 他知道这道菜的烹饪方法。
- The boy was screaming with pain. 这男孩痛得尖叫起来。
- See it for yourself with this fabulous recipe for Creamy Lemon Pie. 来看看这个奶油柠檬派的制作方法吧。
- His plans are a recipe for (ie are likely to lead to) disaster. 他的计画後患无穷。
- Her face contorted/was contorted with pain. 她的脸因疼痛而走了样。
- He thinks the one recipe for success lies in hard work. 他认为成功的唯一诀窍在於勤奋。
- The man suddenly shouted with pain. 这人突然痛得叫了起来。
- The recipe for creating life begins with a warm planet. 创造生命的秘诀最先要有一个温暖的行星。
- treatment for diarrhea with bland drugs 淡渗法
- The sick child shouted with pain. 那病童痛得叫了起来。
- Added a recipe for enchanting staves with spell power. 不知道新的法杖附魔什么效果?
- Her face was contorted with pain. 她痛得脸都变了样。
- He gives a very good recipe for cakes. 他传授了非常好的糕饼制法。
- What is your recipe for success? 你取得成功有什麽窍门?
- The little boy cried out with pain when he burnt his fingers. 小男孩手指被烧着时,痛得大叫起来。
- I've got a good recipe for fudge. 我有一套做奶油软糖的好方法。
- And that supposition is a recipe for failure. 而前述推想,是为失败开的处方。
- His plans are a recipe for disaster. 他的计划后患无穷。