- RSS阅读器RSS Microreader
- 数字图书馆中RSS阅读器的设计Design of RSS Reader in Digital Library
- 一个RSS阅读器可以为你收集新闻。A RSS reader gathers your news for you.
- RSS阅读器可以使你了解有关自己钟爱网站的最新资讯。RSS readers keep you up-to-date with your favorite sites.
- 用户可以订阅“RSS源”,并使用RSS阅读器查看文档列表。Users can subscribe to it with RSS reader to see the document list.
- 阅读器reader
- 您可以使用RSS源在同一位置(如RSS阅读器或源聚合器)接收来自各种资源(包括新闻网站和博客)的更新。You can use RSS Feeds to receive updates from a variety of resources, including news sites and blogs, in a consolidated location, such as an RSS reader or feed aggregator.
- RSSRSS(Really simple syndication)
- 电子阅读器electronic reading
- RSS技术RSS technology
- 阿尔法射线卡片阅读器Alpha card reader
- RSS算法rotational signal subspace method
- 标号阅读器labelling reader
- 聚合RSSAggregation RSS
- 标记阅读器badge reader
- 公共RSSPublic RSS
- RSS应用RSS application
- 路旁阅读器roadside reader
- 背观投影阅读器rear-projection reader
- RSS服务RSS service