- RSS feed 是怎样的?How is the RSS feed?
- 我真不了解他到底是怎样的人;一会儿正常,一会儿又像个疯子。I really don't know what kind of man he really is; on one occasion, he is normal, and on another, he acts like a lunatic.
- 我相信,一个人不管是怎样的脾气,都免不了有某种短处。There is, I believe, in every disposition a tendency to some particular evil.
- 塞伐洛斯是怎样的人?好人,还是一位智者?他对受难的看法?What sort of a man is Cephalus? A good man, perhaps, but is he wise? What is his view of the passions?
- 过去的整整一年中这位年轻的妻子是怎样使她丈夫不沾一滴酒的?How did the young wife keep her husband off alcohol all last year?
- 这个词的单数词尾是怎样的?What is the ending in the singular?
- 我们去看看做咖啡的机器吧!看看这些咖啡是怎样制成的。Let's go and look at the machines now and see how it is you make all these coffee people love to drink.
- 我实际上并不知道汤姆的母亲是个怎样的人,我跟她只有点头之交。I don't really know what Tom's mother is like, she is only a bowing acquaintance of mine.
- 我知道了,信用证的有效期是怎样的?I see. How about the validity of the L/C?
- 她很想知道未来世界将会是怎样的。She fell to wondering what it would be like in the other world.
- 如果你愿意听一会儿,我就讲讲防盗警报器是怎样工作的。If you will lend me your ear for a minute, I will explain how the burglar alarm works.
- 上面附有目录,我不知道你们到底是怎样得出那笔数字的。Here's a kind of list attached, but I can not make out how on earth you have come to this amount.
- 历史上修建布达拉宫的过程是怎样的?What was the course of building the Potala Palace in history?
- 对那个城市的描写缺乏地方色彩,因此你无法知道生活在那里是怎样一番景象。The description of the town lacked any local colour that would have let you know what it's like to live there.
- 他不懂得失业后生活会是怎样的艰难。He has no conception of how difficult life is if you're unemployed.
- 那在当时,中英两国的关系是怎样的呢?What was the relationship like between China and Britain at that time?
- 我不知道你是怎样想的,不过我认为这另一家商行是在侵犯我们的利益范围。I don't know what you think but I consider this other firm is poaching on our preserves.
- 刺激,世俗主义为你提供刺激,是怎样的?When the stimulation and excitement is offered to you by secularism, how do they do that?
- 这个内容作为喜剧材料来看是怎样的?What does the text perceive as the material of comedy?
- 你能想象没有炸薯条生活会是怎样的?Can you imagine life without French fries?