- R(L)-型诱导拓扑空间induced R ( L )-topological space
- L-smooth诱导拓扑空间induced L-smooth topological space
- R(L)-型诱导空间induced R ( L)-topological space
- I-Fuzzy诱导拓扑空间induced I-Fuzzy topological space
- L型诱导作用L - type induction
- L-smooth弱诱导拓扑空间weakly induced L-smooth topological space
- 户型house type
- 磁盘空间disk space
- 沟型诱导炉channel induction
- 笔型pen type
- 诱导拓扑induced topology
- 发展空间development space
- 整型integer
- 运动型motile
- r-诱导拓扑r-induced topology
- 穿透型诱导缝penetrated crack
- 商拓扑空间quotient topological space
- 碾压混凝土穿透型和边缘型诱导缝等效强度的试验研究Experimental study on equivalent strength for penetrated crack director and edge crack director in RCC
- 模糊拓扑空间fuzzy topological space
- 在A型诱导培养基上,四个玉米品系芽尖均不能形成丛生芽。All four varieties tested did not produce multiple shoot clumps on the type A inductive medium.