- QT/embedded移植QT/Embedded Porting
- Qt/EmbeddedQt/Embedded
- Qt/EmbeddedQt/Embedded
- 移植细胞核内的染色体是可能的。It is possible to transplant chromosomes in cell nuclei.
- 移植成功了。The grafts have taken.
- 嵌入式Linux下Qt/Embedded的应用Application of Qt/Embedded on Embedded Linux
- 罂粟经不起移植。Poppies do not transplant well.
- QT-embeddedQT-embedded
- 移植的皮肤引起了排拒反应。The skin graft was rejected.
- Embedded子树Embedded subtree
- 我把树苗移植到庭院。I transplanted the seedlings to the garden.
- Qt/EQt/E
- Konqueror/EmbeddedKonqueror/Embedded
- 烧伤常常可以用移植身体其它部位的皮肤来治愈。Burns can often be cured by grafting on skin from another part of the same body.
- QT-图QT-graph
- Konqueror/embeddedKonqueror/embedded
- 医生给她脸上移植皮肤。The doctor transplanted skin to her face.
- Qt库Qt library
- QTE(QT/embedded)QTE (QT/embedded)
- Qt/EQt/E