- 变速率QAM调制Variable Rate QAM
- 第五章在前面仿真模型的基础上具体仿真了两种国外现有系统实现远距离传输的方案:通过曼彻斯特编码和AMI编码的基带传输方法和QAM调制传输的方法。On the base of the analyses of simulating modes mentioned above, the author simulates two overseas systems, namely base-band transmission method of manchester coding and AMI coding and modulated transmission method of QAM.
- QAM调制QAM modulation
- TD-QAM调制TD - QAM modulation
- 她调制美味的汤。She concocts wonderful soup.
- 相位噪声对QAM数字微波通信系统误码率的影响The Effects of Phase Noise on BER of QAM Digital Microwave Communication System
- 为医治他的咳嗽而调制的药中包括樟脑。The preparation for his cough included camphor.
- 用巴尔马干酪调制的茄子eggplant parmigiana.
- 高阶QAMhigh rank QAM
- 宇宙线太阳调制solar modulation of cosmic rays
- 调制一种奇怪的混合物。concoct a strange mixture.
- QAM解调QAM demodulation
- 调制分析Modulation analysis
- 16-QAM16-QAM
- 部分调制fractional modulatio
- 256-QAM256-QAM
- QAM测试QAM testing
- γ调制γ modulation