- Michael Porter's Five Forces Model 波特模型
- Chapter 3 analysizes the news papering markets, and focuses on the key industry factors with the Five Force Model by Boter. 第三章,对南国今报所处的行业市场进行分析,并运用波特的“五力”竞争模型对行业关键因素进行分析。
- Porter's Five Forces Model 波特五力模型
- The Porter Five Force Model 五种因素影响产业
- Combining with the practice of drinking water trades, external environment is analyzed majorly through political, economic environment and five forces model analytic methods; 结合行业实际,外部环境着力于政策环境、经济环境和五力模型分析;
- analysis with "five forces" model of Porter “波特五力”分析
- "five forces model" 五力模型
- Five forces model 五力模型
- Taking the influence of government into account, we use Poter’s theory of Five Forces as the main tool to answer the question of how to choose industry. 其次,我们利用波特的产业结构分析理论对影响产业竞争的五种主要力量进行了深入的分析,此外还考虑了政府作用的影响,回答了产业选择的问题。
- In addition, this chapter introduces strategic planningand management tool: Five Force Analysis of Porter and SWOT Analysisof Andrew. 用波特的五力分析回答的是我们可以(might)做什么; 用 SWOT方法是为了通过对事务所的外部机会与威胁、内部优势与劣势的分析,寻找到与事务所资源相匹配的竞争战略,回答的是我们能够(can)做什么。
- Rudolf Mulle‘r s Five Star Riesling has ripe fruit flavors like peach and apricot and a mineral, slate character. 说明:具有浓郁的成熟果实如桃、杏的芳香,矿物质和岩石的特性。
- Force Model of Large Sized Rolling. 大型卷板机的力学模型。
- Investigate respectively the employees’ needs and their recent conditions based on Maslow’s five need levels theory. 最后介绍了论文的研究方法,对研究对象的概念进行了界定,还就研究对象的选取和基本情况进行了简单的说明。
- From third chapter to seventh chapter , unscrambled detailedly Godard’s five films. 第三章到第七章详细解读了戈达尔的五部电影作品,每一章都是选取最有表现力的创作手法作为研究对象。
- Evaluating the system, the traditional method is limning it"s five accuracy index. 对测量系统的评价,传统的方法只是使用五个精度指标来描述,这不符合国际规范。
- As are the world’s five richest men (Gates, Buffett, Allen, Ellison and Albrecht). 世界五大富翁也是这样(盖茨,巴菲特,艾伦,艾里森,和阿尔不雷赫特)。
- Central Asia"s five Stans are home to some of the most legendary mountain ranges on the planet: the glacier-clad Pamirs, the jagged Tian Shan. 中部亚洲的五个斯坦是一些这个星球上最具有传奇色彩的山脉所在地:冰川覆盖的帕米尔高原,高地起伏的天山。
- Some 1,100 of the 60,000 students at CUNY's five top schools receive a rare thing in the costly world of American colleges: free education. 6万名纽约城市大学里的1100名中的前5名学生得到了在昂贵的美国大学里来说非常宝贵的东西:免费教育。
- Of the NTP's five categories of concern, “some” would rate a three, or the middle of the dial between the extremes of negligible and serious. 在NTP的五级安全评价标准中,“这种担忧”可能处在第三级,或者处在忽略不计和严重危害两个极端之间的中间水平。
- The Flour Division (be called "COFCO Flour Industry") is a part ofCOFCO International (Beijing), one of COFCO's five major business groups. 中粮面业是中国粮油食品(集团)有限公司的面粉加工板块,是目前中国最大的面粉加工集团。