- Peer-to-Peer网络peer-to-peer network
- 基于Peer-to-Peer网络的安全邮件系统设计Design of Secure E-mail System Based on Peer-to-Peer Networks
- 基于Jxta技术的Peer-to-Peer网络查询优化策略Search Optimized in Peer-to-Peer Network Based on Jxta Technology
- 网络network
- 基于Gnutella协议的分布式Peer-to-Peer网络连接管理策略及改进研究Study on Connection Management Policies and Improvement of Dis tributed Peer-to-Peer Networks Based on Gnutella Protocol
- 但目前对基于Peer-to-Peer网络的应用层多播的研究还处于探索阶段,对于应用层多播的模型、性能分析、性能优化的研究都没有展开。proposed the abstraction model of application layer multicast and its related routing problems and summarized the current routing algorithmsSecondly, we researched the current application layer multicast based on Peer-to-Peer network, including CAN Multicast, Bayeux, Scribe etc.
- 网络连接network connections
- PEERPEER (primary energy efficiency ratio )
- 网络设置network settings
- Peer选择peer selection
- 超级Peersuper Peer
- 网络技术network technology
- Super-PeerSuper-Peer
- 电脑网络Internet
- Peer-tutoringPeer-tutoring theory
- 计算机网络computer network
- Peer数据管理系统peer data management system
- 神经网络NN
- super-peer体系结构super-peer architecture
- 网络设备network equipment