- Pearson curve(水文统计用)皮尔逊曲线
- 常用in common usage
- 水文统计hydrological statistics
- 用贝叶斯统计法研究两种统计用表Study on the Two Statistical Tables by Means of Bayesian Statistics
- 不用need not
- 应用QP软件进行水文统计Applying QP Software to Hydrology Statistics
- 水文统计参数对频率曲线的影响Effect of Hydrologic Statistical Parameters on Frequency Curve
- 没用useless
- 不用谢You're welcome
- 用来be used for
- 多项分布极值水文统计理论应用研究Analysis on Multiple Component Extremes Distribution for Hydrology Statistics
- 再用reoccupy
- 领用receive; get
- 人口统计vital statistics
- 没用的trashy
- 好用handy
- 标志性统计benchmark statistics
- 中用useful
- 流量统计statistics of flow; discharge
- 不用的unused