- construction of party' s advanced nature 党的先进性建设
- On the Unity of CPC's Advanced Nature and Time Spirit 论中国共产党的先进性与时代精神的统一
- How to maintain the advanced nature of the party? 保持党的先进性的路径与方法?
- Party' s advanced nature 党的先进性
- the Party' s advanced nature 党的先进性
- A New Point Of View ON The CPC's Advanced Nature And Its Class Base In The Conditions Of Development 当代发展条件下党的先进性与阶级基础的再解读
- CPC's Advanced Nature Construction during Yan'an Rectification: Historical Experience 延安整风时期中国共产党先进性建设的历史经验
- The party's advanced nature construction is the basic task of Marxian polity to be in self-build. 党的先进性建设是马克思主义政党自身建设的根本任务。
- That is also the fundamental expression and requirement for our Party to remain in the forefront of the times and maintain its advanced nature. 这也是我们党始终站在时代前列,保持先进性的根本体现和根本要求。
- The party's advanced nature construction is a proposition that containing sublime value orientation. 摘要党的先进性建设,是一个蕴涵着崇高价值取向的命题。
- The Political party's administration capability and advanced nature is of mutually depend on each ather. 摘要执政党的执政能力与该党的先进性是相互依存、相辅相成的。
- Construction of advanced nature is the basic task of self-construction for Marxist party. 先进性建设是马克思主义政党自身建设的根本任务。
- The scientific development concept endows new theoretical connotation and new historical task to the party's advanced nature construction. 摘要科学发展观赋予党的先进性建设新的理论内涵和新的历史任务。
- Worldwide communication over many links is possible because of the E-4B's advanced command and control electronics. 由于E-4B装有先进的指挥和控制电子设备,通过许多链路进行全球通信是可能的。
- We must unswervingly strengthen the Party's governing capacity and preserve its advanced nature to ensure that it always stays in the forefront of the times. 我们党要坚定不移的加强党的执政能力建设和先进性建设,始终走在时代前列。
- And it has mounted a successful counterattack against ATM's advances. 它对ATM的进展也进行了成功的反击。
- With the company’s advanced technology, experienced technicians, and efficient working staff, Saint-Melin S.A.R. 公司具有先进的技术,经验丰富的技术人员,高效的工作队伍,极大地发展潜力 正吸引着全国各地的合作者。
- You must give seven day 's advance notice of withdrawal from the account . 若从帐户中提款,则必须提前七天通知。
- The TOx layer forms the base under-cladding for the wave guide manufacturer’s advanced nano device chip fabrication. 弓形虫层的形式下基地包为波导制造商的先进的纳米器件芯片制造。
- RS has introduced the United States, Germany KHD, Kobe, Japan, Russia heavy KHI's advanced technology. 公司、德国KHD公司、日本神户KHI俄罗斯重型公司的先进技术。