- PIN码攻击PIN code attack
- PIN码请求序列需正确设置,休眠模式得以适当应用PIN code request sequence set correctly. Sleep mode behavior now appropriate
- 码yard
- 保护您机密的UPS派送资讯-为了使用UPS签收追踪,您必须为您要获得存取的每个帐户申请一个独一无二的PIN码。Protects your sensitive UPS delivery information-in order to use UPS Signature Tracking, you must request a unique PIN number for each account that you want to have access.
- 乱码messy code
- 源码source code
- 验证码identifying code
- 注册码poll code
- 码表stopwatch
- "pin"中"p"的送气发音the aspiration of "p" in "pin"
- 均码one-size-fits-all
- 激活码active coding
- 码率code rate
- 码字numeral
- 掩码mask
- 子网掩码subnet mask
- 码数code number
- 校验码check code
- 断码short in size