- PHP扩展/类库PHPextensions/packages
- ,PHP指令extension_dir要被设为PHP扩展库所在的目录。, The PHP directive extension_dir should be set to the directory where the PHP extensions are located.
- PEAR使建立共享PHP扩展库更容易。PECL makes it easy to create shared PHP extensions.
- 这将自动把APD Zend扩展安装到PHP扩展库目录中。This automatically installs the APD Zend module into your PHP extensions directory.
- 类库class libraries
- 图库gallery
- 出库delivery of cargo from storage
- 框架类库FCL -- Framework Class Library
- MFC类库Class Libraries MFC
- 领域类库domain oriented class library
- 基础类库foundation class library
- 通用类库General class library
- 创建新类库Create a New Class Library
- 虚拟类库virtual class library
- 为避免此问题,Microsoft建议您在单个类库中封装COM组件。In order to avoid this problem, Microsoft recommends that you encapsulate COM components in a single class library.
- 向类库添加类To add a class to the class library
- 微软基类库MFC
- VC基础类库Microsoft Foundation Class Library(MFC )
- 优先使用Visual Basic运行时库,而不是.NET Framework类库。Use the Visual Basic run-time library in preference to the.NET Framework class library.
- 使用自已的类库Set Class To MyLibs Additive